The lottery wasn't nearly as random as we thought

Wandi J 9:02 AM
There's news that a former lottery security director Eddie Tipton used his trusted position to install rootkits and scam millions from a multi-state lottery.  Of course this is discouraging to hear since it tarnishes our infosec profession.  But it brings up a good point about defense in depth.  As NSA will more than happily tell you, insider attacks are a real thing.  

At Rendition Infosec, we regularly see insiders contributing to security incidents, whether they are directly the cause (e.g. IP theft) or whether they are simply a means to an end (e.g. scammed into giving the attackers access).

It seems a little naive that the organization with the computers determining the numbers for a multi-state lottery didn't have better fraud detection in place.  We know that their fraud detection schemes were poor because it took the perpetrator getting greedy and buying a ticket himself to get the attention of the authorities.  And even then, it was only after he walked away from a $16.5 million jackpot that they began investigating.

There are obvious infosec angles here.  Good defense in depth, separation of privilege, and periodic external security audits would have likely stopped this long before Tipton was caught through his own hubris.  We've seen time and again that absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Internal security audits are good, but periodically you need an external set of eyes to validate things aren't being missed.  The US Government, for all of there ineffectiveness knows this.  It's why the Office of the Inspector General exists.

Additionally, the public purchased lottery tickets believing that they had an a particular chance to win (based on published odds).  It's obvious that those odds were not correct based on the manipulation of the numbers by Tipton's rootkit.  I would be surprised if a class action lawsuit from those who purchased lottery tickets doesn't emerge here.  It's obvious they were playing a game with odds very different from those published.  A mathematician will tell me that even when the numbers were set, the odds didn't really change.  But the payouts did change when Tipton and accomplices fraudulently received payouts on their "winnings."

Finally, as someone who has built rootkits in the past, I can tell you it's not the easiest thing in the world to pull off.  Few have the capability to do it.  Another interesting thing to know would be whether Tipton had help in constructing the rootkit and if so, who helped him.  If anyone has access to a copy of this rootkit, I'd love to analyze it and will not attribute it back to you (unless you want me to).

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