Vulnerabilities in St. Jude medical devices confirmed by independent 3rd party

Wandi J 9:57 PM
An independent third party (Bishop Fox) has confirmed many of the claims made by MedSec and MuddyWaters about the vulnerabilities in St. Jude medical devices.  St. Jude filed a lawsuit after MuddyWaters released information about security issues in their devices and reportedly shorted St. Jude's stock.

The report (located here) details a number of inaccuracies in St. Jude's claims, which they swore to the court (under penalty of perjury) were true to the best of their knowledge.  This is a bad place for St. Jude to be in.  It appears that St. Jude is either:

  1. Incompetent at security, so much so they can't reproduce a problem even after being notified about it by a third party
  2. Lying to prop up it's stock price

The latter is illegal, but the former is likely to be problematic in a civil case.  How will jurors trust any St. Jude security personnel who take the stand?  Their very credibility appears to be substantially compromised at this point.

There's a lesson here for organizations making "knee jerk" reactions to public statements about their security. When your security sucks and you're called on it, that's bad.  But when you have time to confirm reports of vulnerabilities and fail to do so, that makes you look REALLY bad.  In the interest of full disclosure, MedSec and MuddyWaters didn't provide proof of concept code to St. Jude, but did provide that (and additional details about their discoveries) to Bishop Fox, who confirmed their findings.  This is not illegal in any way, though some might find it unethical.

You should read the report, but I'll point out some of the more damning claims below.

Researchers used a bag of meat to simulate human tissue in their tests.  For obvious reasons, they didn't deliver shocks or test findings on real patients.  This was to contradict St. Jude claims that attacks would not work in "real world" environments.

The problems with the excerpt above are obvious.  This cuts to the core of St. Jude's credibility in its ability to assess security concerns.  Obviously damning in any civil case.

This is another huge problem for St. Jude.  St. Jude says that access controls prevent anyone but a physician from unauthorized access, but this statement is demonstrably false.

Again, more demonstrably false claims.  Bishop Fox researchers were able to replicate the attack described by MedSec.

By far, the most damning claim is that the key space used for "encryption" is only 24 bits long.  Earlier this year, the FTC settled with a dental software manufacturer for not using AES to protect patient data.  The dental software certainly isn't life saving. I'd say St. Jude has a problem on their hands.

The lessons about addressing cyber security problems in your products are obvious, particularly if you are a publicly traded company.  When confronted with a notification of a security issue, you should move to address it (and the public) quickly.  But don't let your desire for a quick release of information lead to releasing demonstrably flawed data to the public.  In my assessment, the Bishop Fox independent confirmation of MedSec's findings deals a lethal blow to St. Jude's civil case - and maybe even their future business.

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