TL;DR subscribe to NewsBites

Wandi J 10:35 AM
You may have noticed I've not been blogging as much recently.  There's good reason for it I assure you - mostly involving some crazy work schedules.  I am still weighing in on current topics, but through a different venue. Earlier this year, I accepted a position on the Editorial Board of SANS Newsbites.  If you're not familiar with Newsbites, you should definitely subscribe.  Twice a week, you get information on top infosec trends with commentary from practitioners in the field.  Best of all, it's free.  Anyway, my schedule is starting to free up a little bit and I'll be doing more blogging while contributing to NewsBites.  Last month it really came down to one or the other and I chose Newsbites.  I'll do better from now on, I promise.

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