Use SQL to corrupt their databases

Wandi J 8:11 AM
I went to see the new Bourne movie and it definitely has a cyber angle.  I won't put any spoilers in this since I would hate to have someone ruin a movie for me.  Well, not unless you feel like "the movie has bad hacking scenes and a lame Vegas car chase" is a spoiler.  Note, you can get all of this from the trailer...  There are some places that the producers seriously suck at getting cyber right.

"Use SQL to corrupt their databases"
In an early scene, someone in a foreign language I don't speak says something that apparently translates to this.  I guess I can't fault them for this since you technically could use SQL to screw up a database, but I also can't imagine some hacker EVER saying these words.

Backdoors into CIA computers
No surprise, the heroes can hack into the CIA's classified mainframe from the Internet, because why not. Seriously, the CIA needs some decent termination procedures to revoke credentials from rogue agents and hardware tokens lost/destroyed in the field.  Also, the CIA could stand to learn from businesses about terminating credentials for agents presumed dead. 'Nuff said.

One does not simply hack the power grid
When the CIA needs to turn off power somewhere, they just hack into the power grid and shut it down.  Russia took six months in the network before they shut off the power.  Maybe Russia just sucks at hacking when compared to our CIA counterparts.

Just install some malware
Malware is magic and can pretty much do anything you need it to.  Just say the word malware three times and you can magically take over any computer anywhere.  The only saving grace here is that nobody uttered the words "zero day" so I didn't throw up in my mouth.

Hacking unknown cell phones, anywhere, and hot mic'ing them is trivial
Even when you don't know the phone number.  I have to admit, even I was impressed when CIA hackers first found, then hacked, a cell phone in close proximity to a malware infected computer.

Don't rip off DEFCON
There's a total rip off of DEFCON in the movie, right down to some of the artwork.  The story line didn't need it, don't rip off DEFCON.

Vegas geography - not for amateurs
Finally, and perhaps this is a nit pick point, a chase scene is shot on the Vegas strip. Since Hacker Summer Camp and many other conferences are held annually in Vegas, can we assume that much of the target audience know the geography?  In one part of the chase scene they drive for miles and cover like .25 miles of landmarks.  Later, they somehow teleport from Bally's to the Riviera.  Of course the Riviera was closed in 2015 and demolished in June, but hey - details...

Parting thoughts
The movie is good overall, but like a lot of movies that are "good overall" this leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to cyber fiction vs. cyber reality.  Medical films regularly reach out to real doctors to consult. Maybe it's time that producers of movies featuring hackers actually get advice from real hackers.

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