What does phishing look like?

Wandi J 9:49 PM
At Rendition Infosec, we regularly get asked by clients what a good phish looks like.  I wanted to share an example for reference.  For most infosec professionals, this won't be very exciting but it is worth having a concrete reference available in case your executives ask to see a phish.

This PDF was delivered to one of our clients at Rendition Infosec.  The client said we were free to publish some details for educational purposes since it was not specifically targeting them.  The PDF file itself does not contain any malicious content and does not contain any JavaScript, meaning that it will bypass antivirus scanners with ease (since it is technically not infected).  However the PDF does contain a link and vaguely threatening message telling the employee to click and submit information or risk their account being suspended.  The PDF was named "Notice from IT department" and sent in an email with the subject "Important notice from IT."

Text of the phishing PDF
A couple of things to note here.  First, there is no personalization, contact information or company logo.  This indicates a lack of targeting and means the file was probably sent to multiple organizations.  The second thing to note is that the document uses multiple fonts.  This probably indicates that it was edited from some template (and poorly I might add).

The link takes victims to a page on a shared hosting site at jimdo.com where the attackers have set up a fake web site.  Users who click on the link will be shown this site.

"OWA" login form
Now of course this is unlike any real Outlook Web Access site I've ever seen.  But hey, who am I...  Seriously, you should be educating your employees that if the login site for a service ever changes to something they don't recognize, they should expect to hear from IT before the change.

Now, if your users actually try to type something in, they should note that in no way is the password obfuscated (or blanked out).  This is really lazy on the part of the attackers, but not everyone can be a winner.  Also, employees should note that this is not an HTTPS site and become suspicious there.

Should the password be visible here?
Upon submitting the form, users are presented with the following response, letting them know that their response was received.  This again should be a big red flag.  Wasn't this supposed to have been an Outlook Web Access login?!

Wasn't this supposed to be a login form? Where's my email?
Nothing in this blog should be earth shattering to any infosec professional, but if you want to pass this along to your less technical friends to show them a concrete example of a common phishing attempt involving credential harvesting, feel free.

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